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June 30, 2024

Ready to bounce back like a pro? 🏀 #emotions #managingemotions #humanemotions #podcast

See how boosting your emotional awareness can keep you on top of your game! Thanks to @ThanksforComingBack for having me as a guest on your podcast!

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June 30, 2024

Breaking Free: Overcoming Willful Blindness

Sharing my journey of overcoming denial and betrayal. After discovering my husband's year-long affair, I faced the emotional struggle and fear of losing everything. This experience taught me the importance of facing the truth and never being willfully blind again.

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June 26, 2024

Life-Changing Advice You Wish Your Parents Knew! 🎙️

Ever wished you could hop in a time machine and give your parents the ultimate parenting guide? Join Kim Korte as she takes a heartfelt dive into the emotional lessons that could have reshaped our childhoods in this enlightening episode of Flavors of Emotions. Imagine going back in time, not…

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June 25, 2024

Podcast Intro

This is a video about Podcast Intro 0:00 Podcast Intro

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June 12, 2024

The Power of Memories: Past, Present & Future | EP 003

Join Kim Korte, a Sensory Perception and Emotion Management Strategist, as she delves into the powerful impact of memories on our lives. Through personal anecdotes and insights, she explains how sensory inputs, both external and internal, shape our recollections and emotional responses. Learn how emotions influence our thoughts, decisions, and…

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June 3, 2024

Understanding Emotions #emotions

How do we use our emotions? understanding emotion at work by Stephen Fineman

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May 29, 2024

Struggling with managing stress & Emotions Daily?

Feeling disconnected from your body or struggling to manage stress and emotions? Discover the power of interoception in this episode of "Flavors of Emotions" with Kim Korte, Sensory Perception and Emotion Management Strategist. Learn how tuning into your inner sensations can revolutionize your emotional and physical well-being. 🎙️ Episode Highlights:…

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May 27, 2024

Why We All Think Differently #topchef #brain

In this intriguing video, we delve into how individual experiences shape our perceptions and responses, using the popular TV show "Top Chef" as an analogy. Despite having the same ingredients and tools, each chef creates a unique dish, influenced by their personal background and training. Similarly, our unique life experiences…

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May 22, 2024

Our Brain Constructs Our EMOTION - Lisa Feldman Barrett - How Emotions are made

Discovering that emotions are essentially DIY brain projects was a game changer. I'm all about the theory of self-constructed emotions. It's like being a master chef of my mood -- sometimes the recipe needs a pinch of positivity, or sometimes it's so disastrously "burnt-toast-angry" I don't want to cook it…

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May 21, 2024

Emotions are constructed - Lisa Feldman Barrett #emotions #brain

emotions are constructed by the brain using past experiences - Lisa Feldman Barrett. The theory of constructed emotion (formerly the conceptual act model of emotion[1]) is a theory in affective science proposed by Lisa Feldman Barrett to explain the experience and perception of emotion.[2][3] The theory posits that instances of…

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May 20, 2024

We see with our brain, not eyes - Hasan Ibn Al Haytham #podcast #emotions

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May 15, 2024

Exploring Emotions Through the Lens of a Chef | EP 01

In this first episode of Flavors of Emotions, Kim Korte introduces a unique perspective on understanding and managing emotions by comparing them to cooking and flavors. Drawing inspiration from 'How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain' by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Korte explores the idea that emotions are…

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