Learn more about Kim and her book!

A Unique Way To Recognize and Make Our Emotions Work For Us - Derate The Hate EP 218 with Kim Korte

Today we’re diving deep into the flavorful world of emotions with our incredible guest, Kim Korte. If you’ve ever wondered how to navigate your reactions and interactions with others more effectively, you’re in for a treat!

Kim and I will be exploring the fascinating idea that our emotions are like flavors – think yucky, yummy, savory, and sweet. By understanding and distinguishing these emotional flavors, we can gain more control over our responses and make our interactions smoother and more meaningful.

We’ll also challenge some preconceived notions and talk about the importance of keeping an open mind. Personal growth is all about embracing new experiences and perspectives, and Kim’s insights from her book, 'Yucky Yummy Savory Sweet: Understanding the Flavors of Our Emotions,' are sure to inspire you.

So, get ready to discover the power of emotional awareness and learn how recognizing and managing your emotions can lead to positive change and better relationships. Stay tuned, because this conversation is packed with insights that you won't want to miss!"

* Emotional awareness is crucial for understanding and managing our reactions and interactions with others.
* Our emotions are like flavors, and by distinguishing and understanding them, we can have more control over our responses.
- Challenging preconceived notions and being open to new experiences and perspectives is essential for personal growth.
- Recognizing and managing our emotions can lead to positive change and better relationships.

What have you done today to make your life a better life? What have you done today to make the world a better place? The world is a better place if we are better people. That begins with each of us as individuals. Be kind to one another. Be grateful for everything you’ve got. Make each and every day the day that you want it to be!


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